In 1977, The Seeds of Doom was released by Target Books under the title Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom.
Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom
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Target Novelisations
Philip Hinchcliffe
Release date
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No. of pages
Target Books
Previous novelisation
Next novelisation
1977 first edition[]
Cover blurb[]
In the snowy wastes of blizzard-swept Antarctica, a strange pod-like object is unearthed, buried deep in the ice. Curiosity turns to alarm as the pod begisn to grow - then horror when suddenly it cracks open and a snaking green tendril shoots out, mercilessly seeking the nearest live victim...
In London, the botanical experts are bewildered. DOCTOR WHO is called in to fight this unknown horror. But will he be in time to save Earth from the rapidly spreading tentacles of the KRYNOID, giant man-eating monster from an alien world?
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Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom
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Target Novelisations
Philip Hinchcliffe
Release date
Original USD
No. of pages
Pinnacle Books
Previous novelisation
1980 Pinnacle reprint[]
Cover blurb[]
In the frozen reaches of the Antarctic, deep in the permafrost, the World Ecology Bureau uncovers two of the strangest pods ever known to man - two pods that have been buried in ice for thirty thousand years.
Then, one of the pods is destroyed, and the second is stolen...
The pods is an alien Krynoid - hostile to all animal life - including man. Only Doctor Who is able to stop its spreading tentacles of destruction. But will he be in time to save mankind?
Doctor Who is a mysterious, zany, and very mature Time Lord (750 years mature to be exact) who hurries through space in a stolen Time Machine. His desperate desire to bring law and order to the universe and his insatiable curiosity consistently place him in weird and often wild circumstances.